
Came across an interesting definition for the word “awareness” today. Knowledge that something exists, or understanding of a situation or subject at the present time based on information or experience. What struck me was the 2nd half of that definition, “at the present time based on information or experience.” I never thought of it as… Continue reading Awareness


(Noun) A gloss or sheen on a surface resulting from age or polishing. .The patina on leather goods are unique to the type of leather, frequency of use, and exposure. .Patinas can provide a protective covering to materials that would otherwise be damaged by corrosion or weathering. They may also be aesthetically appealing. Often we… Continue reading Patina

Categorized as Inside

The Minimum

Often we think in terms of minimums. What is the floor? The least amount of effort in order to get passable results. Results that help us get by. Not praise worthy, but also nothing to get us in trouble. Because, we tell ourselves, we need to save our energy for the things we actually care… Continue reading The Minimum

Categorized as Inside, Work

Action Follows Belief

The power of belief is that it produces decisions and actions. So if we look at our choices and results, and aren’t happy with what we find, it may be time to re-evaluate the things we believe.

Categorized as Inside

Want. Inadequacy. And What is True?

Often we get stuck thinking there are better options out there. Better situation, better house, better career, better friends, better job, better something. So we suffer from a constant feeling of wanting. And we often also look ourselves in reverse. We’re pretty sure that there are other people who are better than us at our… Continue reading Want. Inadequacy. And What is True?

Dealing with the Irrational

How do you deal with people who aren’t rational? Who can’t and won’t listen to reason? I’m a firm believer in the adage: Want better answers? Ask better questions. Here’s a few that might help: Are you asking this because they won’t listen to what YOU have to say? Who isn’t emotionally led? What is… Continue reading Dealing with the Irrational

Driver’s Seat

Often times, in many organizations, groups, gatherings, and jobs we realize one day that there is no one behind the wheel.  And so we hear people complain about the bumpy road, the swerving, the myriad of other things that are wrong with this journey but few actually step into the driver’s seat and take responsibility.… Continue reading Driver’s Seat

Categorized as Inside, Work

Slow and steady

There’s a lot that I’ve picked up from hiking the past year. .You can’t see how far you come by just looking at the past few steps, even the past dozen of steps. It takes perspective, a much longer view. .The path gets narrower the higher up you go, but even the less traveled road… Continue reading Slow and steady

Seizing the Opportunity

Seizing opportunities require putting ourselves out there. And sometimes it happens at a point where we’re not ready or not the right fit for the opportunity. But we still need to try. Even when it exposes some of our weaknesses and our shortcomings. It sucks to be told “no”, to get rejected. But the only… Continue reading Seizing the Opportunity